Companion Pets Birds
Small Companion Birds
The most popular category of companion bird. This list mostly contains birds which are suitable for first-time owners. Some species may require prior experience.
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Includes: Budgies, Cockatiels, Lineolated Parakeets, Lovebirds, Parrotlets, Green Cheek Conures, etc...
Availability: Frequently.

Medium Companion Birds
These birds tend to be best suited towards households with some amount of prior bird experience. However, some species can also make great pets for new owners too.
Includes: Quakers, Meyer's Parrots, Senegal Parrots, Jenday Conures, Lorikeets, Sun Conures, etc.
Availability: Fairly Often.
Large Companion Birds
Advanced birds best suited for very experienced owners. Highly intelligent and require special care and housing.
Incudes: Macaws, African Greys, Alexandrines, etc.
Extremely Limited Availability.