About "Ethical Parrot Owners" Bird Club
Welcome to our Perch!
Our mission is to promote and encourage the well-being of our feathered friends through education. As Ethical Parrot Owners, we all have the same desire to promote the best interests of companion birds!
As Ethical Parrot Owners, we volunteer our time to attend as many public functions as we can. These include pet related conventions, afternoons at retirement homes, and summer programs for children, to name just a few.

We are a not-for-profit group with no registration dues or costs, conducting local fundraising endeavours to allow us to maintain our small collection of educational material that we bring to all functions. We have a core group of founding members who lead our organizational tasks, such as scheduling. Everyone involved with this organization give fully and freely of their time, all feeling a strong commitment to our mission.
These are just a few points that we want to share and we would like to invite you to join our Facebook group to further your education on parrot ownership. We would like you to feel free to share your point of view through our Facebook forum. We may not all agree on everything but this is how we all learn - from hearing other points of view and discussing issues, we can make educated decisions.
In any organization, people's opinions differ, but here are some of the beliefs that most of us share:
- Keeping your birds wings clipped – this is probably one of the most debated views with parrot owners. Some say that it’s not “natural” and others feel it is important for the safety of their bird. We encourage you to talk for your avian vet, other parrot owners and give this subject serious consideration.
- High Quality Nutrition – like humans, nutrition is important and understanding what a bird needs for optimum health is important. Birds can have allergies, weight conditions, and a lot of other ailments like diabetes. Researching the nutritional needs of your bird and becoming familiar with what their daily nutritional requirements are will greatly benefit your feathered friend and can have a dramatic effect on their overall well-being!
- Commitment – different types of birds have different behavior traits and time commitments and like many things in life, what you get out of your bird is directly related to what you put in. Ethical Parrot Owners encourages all potential bird owners to realistically think about how much time and effort they can put into building a relationship with a bird. Look for a bird that matches what you can offer. Birds can also live for a very long time – this is an important factor to consider.