Please Give Me A Second Chance

Second Chance or "Rehome" birds are birds who have been put up for adoption for any of several reasons such as:

  • Major changes to home life
  • No longer being able to provide the proper time & attention the bird requires
  • Moving out of country
  • Deteriorating health of the bird's owner

Want to know more? Read - What Is Our Second Chance Bird Program.

Do you have a bird you would like to rehome through our program?

Please fill out our intake form below:

A rehome bird does not always mean an old bird - life can change for families with birds of any age.

We have adopted out birds as young as 6 months and older than 30 years! If you are considering a rehome bird but unsure if that's the right choice for you feel free to contact us with your questions and concerns - we'd be happy to assist you in making the best choice possible!

Rehome birds will each have a unique adoption fee. The fee is determined by a number of factors including, the species of bird, any possible necessary veterinary work, training required, etc...

We reserve the right to refuse placement of a rehome bird.

Any second chance bird(s) that are currently available will be listed below.

Please contact us for further details or to start the process for adopting a rehome bird which interests you.

Interested In A Future Rehome?

Looking to be notified via email the next time we have a "small", "medium" or "large" bird available to rehome?

Click here

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